Thursday, October 17, 2013

Eat Local Fruits

Jackfruit or nangka is one of the favourite dessert in the Malaysian fresh fruit consumption
Is it true that Malaysians have preference for imported fruits than local ones? Just ask yourself, when you are at the supermarket do you head to the racks displaying exotic fruits and vegetables? Or does your shopping list give priority to apples, oranges and strawberries instead of guava, ciku and jack fruit. 
Why sideline the array of local fruits when they are equally delicious and highly nutritious compared with imported fruits? But such discrimination on local agricultural produce is prevalent and is nothing new. 
 One may not be aware that the eat local fruit campaign has been conducted since 1972. The campaign has not only helped to promote local fruits as highly nutritious supplements but also helped farmers to market their fruits with the help of the Federal Agricultural Marketing Authority (FAMA). According to FAMA's Director General, Datuk Mohamed Shariff Abdul Aziz, previously the local fruits like durian and jack fruit were banned from hotels, but today they are in the menu of the hotels. "The campaign also helped the local fruits to penetrate hypermarkets. This goes to show the cooperation from various parties in helping the government to promote local fruits," he said. However, there is a bigger underlying problem. Despite the campaign, over the years the consumption of fruits by locals have declined. 

As for some parents, it is quite difficult to convince their children to make a habit of eating fruits and often they have to be forced to do it.

According to book writer and the winner of 'Fruitastic' and 'Vegemania'Gourmand Award, Mohana Gill, it is important that the fruit eating habit is inculcated from the very early stage. "But children being children it is important that we confide them that fruits and vegetables are good and healthy, and let them see the fruit and vegetables as something fun and tasty," she explained. 
She also pointed out that parents, often without realising reward their children with unhealthy things like sweets and carbonated drinks and `penalize' them with `good' food like fruits and vegetables. Thus its pertinent that the adults take the first step by changing the mindset apart from finding exciting and compelling ways to introduce fruits and vegetable in their children's daily diet. CHANGE YOUR WAY OF LIFE
Studies conducted by FAMA found that the fruit intake among malaysians only accounts for 60 kg per capita compared with 130 kg for the peoplwe in developed nations.
FAMA is working closely with Malaysia Health Promotion Board in encouraging the public to consume more local fruits as part of a healthy lifestyle. He also dismissed the view that local fruits like guava, ciku, pineapples, mangoes, papayas and seasonal fruits like durian, langsat, duku, pulasan, rambutan, jack fruit and others as contributors to health problems. "The local fruits are rich in nutrient and fibre. I'm of the opinion that the misconception that the durian is an `unhealthy' fruit must be corrected. Many are not aware that the king of fruits is rich in potassium," he said adding that there is no problem as long as the fruits are consumed moderately.  

Meanwhile, the chairperson of Malaysian Health Promotion Board Toh Puan Datuk Seri Hajah Dr Aishah Ong concurred with Mohamed Shariff on the misconception. According to her, health problems are not necessarily contributed by the intake of local fruits. One's health can be in jeopardy even if one consumes imported fruits excessively. What is more important is moderate consumption. "What is important is that, when we eat, it should be in moderate amount. Even, Allah have created fruits like this to be seasonal. If they say durian is unhealthy, they should also be aware that durian contains high fiber, vitamin C and vitamin A. If they say durian creates heat in the body, Allah created mangosteen that has cooling effects, that is why mangosteen and durians come in the same season," she added. According to Dr Aishah, fruits like star fruit, papaya, ciku, and banana are highly nutritious compared with imported fruits like apple, pear and lai. As for example, the rastali banana has two times more vitamin C content compared with the green apple. The eksotika papaya has 10 times more vitamin A compared with mandarin oranges. Other than vitamin and mineral, fruits also provide fiber. "We want the community to accept the intake of local fruits as part of their lifestyle. It is fashionable to eat local fruits," she stressed. She also urged the mass media to play a bigger role in promoting local fruits. They can highlight local fruits by using file pictures of local fruits instead of imported fruits like the kiwi fruit and apple.The effort will denote the support for the campaign and illustrate that eating local fruits is good for the health. 


FAMA also concentrates on the younger generation and is now taking the 'Eat More Local Fruits' to the schools. The first location for the campaign is the Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Seksyen 11, Shah Alam, Selangor. The move is in line with FAMA's effort to encourage the younger generation to acquire the taste for local fruits including the seasonal fruits. "All this while the parents favoured imported fruits maybe due to prestige or they have a taste for them but the local fruits are no less in their nutritional value, and they are fresh and lack preservatives like found in many of the imported fruits," added Mohamed Shariff.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Jackfruit Processing

A visit was made to one of the farm in Johore, 4 hours drive from Kuala Lumpur. Johore is situated south of the country and it has a lot fruit growing areas such as pineapple, guava, durians, jackfruits whats not.
I have a chance to see how JF is processed to make chips via vacuum drying. The process is straight forward.

1.Fruit Opening (20 kg of fruit can produce 6 kg of pulp)
2.Pulp Extraction
3.Washing and Rinsing
4.Frying  (Frying for two hours)
5.Vacuum Drying
6. Weighing Into Proper Packages
7.Packaging and Labelling
All pulps or bulbs were taken out from the whole fruit

The seeds were removed from the pulp
The pulps were sorted out

Pullp were ready to be washed, rinsed and fried.
JF chips are very crispy and sweet. It has natural flavour and no artificial colouring. The chips are very high demand in countries like Singapore and Brunei. The chips could be shipped to any destination in the world due to its light weight and could be stored for a long period of time. THis processing plant pack 60g and 800g package and the price will be RM6 (USD2) and RM60(USD20), respectively.

For more info don't hesitate to contact me at

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Another Malaysian Jackfruit Variety

One of the variety is Subang. It very large and heavy. Here how it looks.
The fruit is almost as big as two-year child. Wonderful!

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Malaysian Jackfruits Variety

There are many jackfruit varieties in Malaysia. The Department of Agriculture has registered many clones. There are old clones like NS1 , NS 2 etc but these clones are proned to bacterial diseases like Phytopthora and Corticium which lasts about 10-15 years after planting, and where most of the clones are grafted. Through selection  many more varieties have been selected and registered like J29, J33, J 34.etc There are plantations which had keen to grow these jackfruits. Based on yield and quality, there are many outcomers. One of the popular one is J33. This variety is very sweet, less flatulence, less sticky, very crunchy. and long shelf life.
Malaysia's jackfruit  Madu variety

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Post Harvest in Jack Fruits

Young generations today prefer to eat  ready-to-eat foods or fast-foods. That is why fast-foods are getting very popular since decades ago.Western countries have innovated countless fast-foods e.g Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC), McDonalds, A n W etc. Our new generations have consumed these fast-foods and they like and crave them very much. Even if you ask them; how chicken looks like? They will point to chicken avaialble in KFCs like chicken wings, drumsticks whats not.

Back to agriculture,we should revolutionize our thinking to new products. For instance in jackfruits. How could we encourage the young ones to eat this messy fruits with latex and sticky gums? We could say to them that this fruit is nice, aromatic blah blah .. but it is bulky and difficult to open. And morever, consumed jackfruit is not  easily to  eat just like apple or oranges, it needs more than that.
Yes, jackfruits (JF) is not easy to eat.But, there are ways we could attract young generations to eat. Of course through innovations like minimally process or fresh cut . Make the product presentable, attractive, ready-to-eat, and clean. I am sure the younger generations will love to eat if they have tasted this fruits.

Here are some example how minimally process is done.

Phamplet showing minimally process jackfruit

Minimally process JF  are becoming popular, they can be air-flown to any destinations

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Nangka Terus Di Makan

Buah naga adalah sejenis buah-buahan yang terbesar di dunia. Satu biji beratnya diantara 15 hingga 30 kg. Kalau dimakan untuk satu keluarga mungkin tidak akan habis.Kalau nak kupas nangka ramai yang tak tahu-kerana nangka mempunyai getah.Getah ini akan melekat pada pisau atau tangan apabila membuka buah nangka tersebut. Kepada mereka yang tidak berpengalaman untuk membuka nangka, memang akan menjadi masalah, dimana kah sudut yang perlu dibuka dahulu. Kalau tidak pisau entah kemana, buah entak kemana tangan kena getah. Melekit.

Jadi bagi mudah cari, kini dipasaran buah nanka boleh di makan terus. Ia dikupas dan dibuang jeraminya setelah di masuk kedalam polistrin dan dibungkus dengan plastik nipis. Cara ini dinamakan pemprosesan minima atau minimally processed. Kualiti buah sentiasa segar dan rasanya serta wangi(aroma) pula tidak hilang.

Nangka yang sudah dikupas di masukkan kedalam polistrin siap untuk dijual

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Nangka di Malaysia


ulas nangka

Assalamualaikum dan salam sejahtera,

Nangka, buah yang sememangnya dikenali ramai di Malaysia. Selain buahnya yang sedap dimakan, pokoknya menghasilkan jenis buah yang paling besar di dunia. Pokok nangka atau nama botaninya adtocarpus heterophyllus dikatakan adalah tumbuhan semulajadi di India, Bangladesh, Nepal, Filipina dan Sri Lanka, tetapi kini ia biasa ditemui di Malaysia.

Buah nangka tergolong dalam keluarga moraceae. Semasa musim berbuah, setiap pokok menghasilkan kira-kira 250 biji buah. Buahnya berbeza dari segi saiz, brat dan bentuk, sama ada bulat atau bujur. Ðalam sebiji buah akan terdapat lebih kurang 100 hingga 500 biji ulas (isi) yang boleh dimakan. Isi buah nangka tebal, berwarna kuning dan rangup. Kulit buah yang belum matang berwarna hijau. Apabila ia telah matang, kulit buahnya akan bertukar kepada warna coklat dan mengeluarkan bau yang wangi. Hampir semua bahagian pokok nangka termasuklah buahnya ini akan mengeluarkan getah apabila ditoreh.

buah nangka di pokok

buah nangka dibelah dua

Buah nangka bukan sahaja mempunyai saiz yang unik, tetapi buahnya amat kaya dengan tenaga, serat pemakanan, mineral dan vitamin. Ia juga tidak mengandungi lemak tepu atau kolesterol sekaligus menjadikannya sebagai buah yang amat sihat untuk dimakan.

Ðikenali juga dengan nama ‘jackfruit’ dalam bahasa Inggeris, buah nangka mengandungi banyak khasiat seperti vitamin A, vitamin B1 (thiamin), vitamin B2 (riboflavin), vitamin B3 (niasin), vitamin B6 (pyridoxine), vitamin B9 (folat), vitamin C, protein, kalsium, besi, magnesium, fosforus, kalium (potassium), zink, tembaga, magan, selenium, lemak asli, asid lemak omega 3, asid lemak omega 6, serat pemakanan, karbohidrat dan kalori.

ulas nangka dijadikan kerepek

Terdapat pelbagai kebaikan buah nangka. Ðikatakan isi buah yang mudah dihadam mengandungi gula mudah seperti fruktosa dan sukrosa yang apabila dimakan, mampu menambah tenaga dan menyihatkan tubuh dengan segera.

Kaya dengan serat

Buah nangka kaya dengan serat pemakanan sekaligus menjadikannya sebagai penjulap baik. Kandungan serat ini dikatakan mampu membantu untuk melindungi membran mukus usus besar (kolon) melalui cara mengurangkan masa pendedahan dan juga sebagai pengikat kimia penyebab kanser dalam usus besar.

Buah nangka segar adalah sumber terbaik vitamin. Kandungan antioksidan yang terdapat di dalam buah nangka ini amat baik untuk penglihatan. Vitamin A juga diperlukan untuk mengekalkan keutuhan membran mukus dan kulit dan untuk merangsang kekebalan tubuh.

Pengambilan buah-buahan segar kaya dengan vitamin C mampu melindungi diri daripada kanser paru-paru dan gigi berlubang. Selain itu, ia juga kaya dengan antioksidan flavonoid seperti beta karotena dan lutien. Antioksidan ini amat berguna untuk melindungi diri daripada kanser usus besar, prostat, payudara, endometrium, paru-paru dan pankreas.

Kaya protein

Buah nangka juga mengandungi sumber baik antioksidan vitamin C. pengambilan makanan kaya dengan vitamin C mampu membantu tubuh membentuk ketahanan menentang agen jangkitan dan radikal bebas yang berbahaya. Buah yang segar merupakan sumber terbaik kalium, magnesium, mangan dan besi. Kalium adalah sel juzuk dan cecair tubuh yang membantu pengawalan kadar denyutan jantung dan tekanan darah.

Bukan setakat buah, biji nangka juga dikatakan turut berkhasiat dan kaya dengan protein. Secara amnya, biji-biji ini akan dikumpul daripada buah yang matang, dikeringkan di bawah cahaya matahari dan disimpan untuk digunakan pada musim hujan.

Pelbagai resipi berbeza daripa biji buah nangka dihasilkan di Selatan India. Mereka akan memakan biji buah nangka yang telah dibakar atau biji ini dimasukkan ke dalam kari untuk menggantikan kacang dal. Biji nangka dikatakan boleh direbus dan dimakan sebagai pelawas kencing dan membuang angin dari dalam badan.

Masyarakat China menganggap isi dan biji buah nangka berkahsiat dalam mengatasi masalah mabuk. Manakala daunnya dibakar bersama jagung dan abunya dicampurkan dengan minyak kelapa dijadikan ubat ulser dan bisul.

Getah nangka yang telah dicampurkan dengan cuka dikatakan amat berguna sebagai unat merawat dan menurunkan bisa patukan ular atau binatang berbisa. Manakala jika akarnya direbus dan kemudian airnya diminum, dikatakan mampu merawat cirit-birit, demam panas dan asma. Jika terluka, anda boleh mengambil daun nangka dan panaskan atau layurkan atas api. Tampalkan daun ini pada luka kerana dengan cara ini, dikatakan mampu merawat luka dengan pantas.

Walaupun terdapat pelbagai khasiat daripada buah nangka, namun begitu penggunaannya perlulah mendapat nasihat daripada pengamal perubatan terlebih dahulu bagi mengelakkan kemudaratan di kemudian hari


Tuesday, February 19, 2013

A Visit Jackfruit Growing Area, Pahang Malaysia

On March 4,2013 we make a visit to one of the largest jackfruits growing in Malaysia. It is one and half-hour drive from the capital city of Kuala Lumpur. The location of the farm  is at annex of KL-East Coast Bound Highway. I have planned to visit this area since last year.Till now I had the opportunity to make the visit after we make some arrangements with officer-in-charge and growers. The area is one of agriculral areas which had been designated to be grown with  jackfruits; where 2,000 acres have been planted. Actually, in Malaysia the total acreage is about 10,000 acre by end of 2013.
Jackfruit plantation in Malaysia

A commercial jackfruit growing areas

Discussion with jackfruit growers

I managed to visit two farms only because it was raining heavily. And I also had the chance to meet the growers and discuss some issues related jackfruits growing here. Some of the issues discussed are

a. Farm Management
b. Tree management
c. Fertilization program
d. Disease control
e. Future plans
Technical discussions between researchers and farmers
A well maintained jackfruits farm

A four-year old jackfruit can bear fruits 10-12 fruits each weighs 15 kg

Insects attack jackfruits tree (pin hole insect)

A four-year old attacked by bacteria 

Harvesting jackfruits , some weigh up to 20kgs

Malaysian jackfruits

How jackfruits is opened 

Jacfruits have many seeds with pulp -sweet smelling and aromatic

Jackfruits are wrapped when they are small to prevent from insect attack or damage

One of the commercial clones-J29 clone

J29 clone is orange yellow and sweet but soft.

We, in Malaysia are actively doing research in this crop particularly it has a very high demand  both from overseas and local markets. The main export market is China and the Middle East countries.

Please contact me at , if you need some infomation.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Jackfruits Growing in Malaysia

Jackfruits Growing in Malaysia

Jackfruit has traditionally remained a minor and less important fruit crop in the 1970s and 1980s. Its hectarage has increased from 3,133 ha in 2005 to 3,559 ha. in 2010 with the production of 17,624 m.t to 19,516 m.t., respectively. The steady increase has been attributed to several factors such as improved cultural management, varietal selection, post harvest handling, new market outlets and government initiatives. With the recent Economic Transformation Programme (ETP), Agriculture National Key Economic Areas (NKEA) and Entry Point Projects (EPPs) that the govenment aims to double agriculture sector’s contribution to gross national income (GNI) and upgrading capabilities to produce fruits for premium markets, respectively. At this juncture jackfruits has become one of the important fruits in the Entry Point Projects (EPP) besides, papaya (Eksotika), pineapple(MD2), rockmelons(KR ), starfruits (B10) and banana (Cavendish). 

Jackfruits or Nangka is grown in large scale in Malaysia. Most of the plantations are found in  Taman Kekal Makanan Negara or  National Permanent  Food  Sites   

Jackfruits pulps are marketed in  minimally processed fruits packed in polystrene containers easy to be eaten and consumed. It could be boxed and sent to any destinations air-freighted anywhere in the world. 

Jacfruits are the biggest fruit in the world. The  pulp is very sweet, aromatic and  crunchy.Many varieties are planted in Malaysia.

Early research in jackfruits showed that most emphasis were focussed on pests and disease control (Sariah, 1999), varietal selection (Palaniappan and Ting Fui, 2001) and recently minimally process studies in post harvest (Latifah, 2007). Earlier, Abd Razak and Zainal Abidin (2001) suggested that marketing of fresh fruits
as minimally processed or processed products should be made on the basis when venturing into new markets.

All enquires can be emailed  to me at

Bahasa Malaysia translation

Penanaman nangka menjadi tanaman tradisional dan kurang penting pada tahun 1970 dan 1980. Pada akhir-akhir ini keluasan penanaman nangka telah berkembang dari 3,133 hektar pada 2005 ke 3,559 hektar pada tahun 2010 dimana pengeluran telah meningkat dari 17,624 metrik ton ke 19,516 metrik ton. Peningkatan keluasan tersebut telah sebabkan oleh beberapa faktor diantaranya pengurusan yang baik, pemilihan varieti yang terpilih, pengendalian lepas tuai, pasaran baru dan pembukaan kawasan-kawasan baru. Pada dasarnya kerajaan telah  mensasarkan pengeluaran makanan negara ke dua kali ganda melalui melalui Program Transformasi Ekonomi (GTP)  dan  EPP. Salah satu daripada lapan  tanaman seperti betik, jambu batu, belimbing, pisang, rockmelon,  nangka telah terpilih di dalam program ini. Kajian awal di dalam penanaman nangka banyak tertumpu kepada pengawalan penyakit. Selain itu, kajian penanaman varieti-varieti yang sesuai dan kajian proses minima didalam lepas tuai.